Thatch Roofing: What’s the Difference Between the African Thatch, Balinese Hut & Thatch Umbrellas?

Thatch roofing is an increasingly popular choice for outdoor gazebos. There are many reasons for this because it meets a range of criteria, from an economical, environmental and aesthetic point of view. There are a few different choices of thatch roofing on the marketing, including the african thatch, balinese hut and thatch umbrellas. What is the difference between these three? Read on to find out…

The African Thatch is a natural product that is unique in that it both cools and heats conversely. During the hot summer months, the breathing quality of the cape reed tiling ensures that it maintains a daytime temperature that is lower than other products that don’t allow so much air to pass through (such as tin, roof tiles etc). You can even drop the temperature further by wetting the thatch roof, which has an evaporative cooling effect.

When the temperature lowers at night, the african thatch traps air, making it warmer to sit under, due to its greater insulation properties. There is a remarkable difference in the degree or intensity of heat when sitting under an african thatch, compared to a shade-cloth, tin or polycarbonate roof.

The insulation properties also means that you can use over heated pools and spas without there being a dripping roof, commonly associated with other roof products on the market.

The African thatch is a sturdy product, having been used in many places in Australia that are prone to storms and even cyclonic winds. In addition, cape reed thatch offers optimum UV protection and is an environmentally friendly product, cropped from a renewable resource.

Aesthetically pleasing, you will be able to spot an african thatch roof because of its thatch tile look. The tile design can be placed onto existing structures or custom designed frameworks. Long treated pine thatch poles and kin-dried arsenic free treated pine roof frame can all serve to complement any existing colours you have around your home, from colour bond roofs to darker tiled or slate roofs.

The Balinese Hut is made from hand woven alang-alang grass and are a tradition in Bali. They have been used by the Balinese people as a place to unwind and also shield themselves from the intensity of the sun’s rays. The balinese hut has a much more breezy, cool and relaxed look than the african thatch, with a somewhat shaggy exterior. They certainly give your backyard or pool area a tropical feel and come in many different styles and designs. Like the african thatch, the balinese hut is a cooler outdoor gazebo than one made with tin, polycarbonate or shadecloth. The main difference between the african thatch and balinese hut is to do with the look and feel. Whilst the african thatch can blend better into more environments, the balinese hut has a slightly more tropical feel.

Lastly, thatched umbrellas are very similar to the balinese hut and are also made from hand woven alang-alang grass. Rather than being on four posts (like the african thatch and balinese hut), thatched umbrellas stand alone on a long treated pine thatch pole. They are an affordable alternative to the bali huts on the market and are also very easy to put up and down. Thatched umbrellas are 99% waterproof, up to 15 degrees cooler than other materials and have a long life span. If price is a concern, then the thatched umbrellas are the way to go, however if you are in a location which is prone to high winds or storms, then you may wish to go with a sturdier product like the balinese hut or african thatch. A heavy base, as well as a table supports the thatched umbrellas and if you are experiencing high winds, just simply drop down your umbrella thatch, remove from the base and lay down.

If you are looking for thatch roofing, then visit Matt’s Homes & Outdoor Designs. They have a large range of all three thatch roofings listed above and can help you choose the most suitable product to match your home and make your backyard area stand out.

Call them now on 1300 62 88 77 or visit Matt’s Homes

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